About Us:
Are you looking for a streamlined educational experience for your whole family with a curriculum plan, classroom environment, and co-op community rolled into one?
We might be the program for you!
H.E.L.P is the Home Education Learning Program designed to help you streamline your home education experience. By sharing the same scope and sequence, we provide more support for each other with our Monday community day, sharing of material, building on each others’ ideas, and field trips. The co-op is utilized as a jumping off point for the rest of the week with all weekly assignments online.
We are a dedicated group of families who co-labor to provide a safe place for home-school families to learn, grow and make new friends. H.E.L.P. can only be successful when each family makes a significant contribution of time, energy, and skills. For this reason, we have specific expectations regarding families’ commitments. This includes teaching/aiding, subbing, and cleaning (we especially need your help for Nursery through 8th Grade, High School teachers are already in place). Beyond specific jobs requirements, we need all of our families to come together as a community to create a supportive environment for all.
The foundation of HELP is built on the several philosophies of Christian Education, our curated curriculum, and website. By combining these ideas and utilizing great books, a simple learning program was developed that could be shared by the entire community. Thus, HELP was born.
HELP Purpose
The purpose of HELP is to serve, encourage, and support Christian homeschooling families.
The CORE VALUES forming the basis of our beliefs about home education as Christian parents are as follows:
*It is our God-given right and privilege to home school our children.
*It is our responsibility to provide excellence in home school education.
*It is our desire for our children to know, love, obey and glorify God.
HELP Mission
The mission of HELP is to support and encourage home educating families through a shared scope and sequence and a streamlined educational plan for grades K4-7.
Our mission for 8th grade and high school is to equip them with basic biblical knowledge and an understanding of the Christian world-view through the study of core subjects including literature, history, science, and electives.
HELP Philosophy
We believe that a chronological approach is the best way to organize the study of western civilization. Accordingly, the core curriculum of HELP is a set of integrated humanities courses which cover western civilization chronologically from the ancient world to modern times.
With this, we add science, speech, presentation, memory work, greek/latin roots, and a brief introduction to various electives such as composers, French/Spanish, math, and art.
Tricities HELP community meets on Mondays for 28 weeks in total for Nursery through 12th Grade.
School begins the Monday after Labor Day and continues for 14 consecutive weeks. Classes resume in January for an additional 14 weeks (with one week off for Spring Break).
HELP was created by a group of homeschoolers who came together after years of trial and error, realizing that teaching our children does not have to be difficult or expensive. These parents had been participating together in a homeschool co-op for years and loved the idea of community but were frustrated that each family was doing their own thing at home as well as adding a separate day for co-op to their busy week.
Our community classes are held on Mondays during the school year at:
Tri-Cities HELP Co-Op
Celebration Church
429 Shipley Ferry Rd.
Blountville, TN 37617